Saturday, September 17, 2005

Did not know the truth!!

Today is another special day. I have achieved a lot at office today. Actually Saturdays are good for achievements. The office tends to be laidback and so I have time to sit back and think as to what can be done and actually plan this day effectively.

Usually it does not happen and we are frantically running from appointment to the other. Endless cups of coffee and zit zero achievements.

Met a guy today who happens to lead a corporation. Actually, I was introduced to him before too. He did not give his background then and I neglected to ask. The mutual introducer had mumbled something that had not been very captivating. Came to know the specifics today and am very impressed with his achievements.

Indians are suddenly achieving a lot at very young ages. My brother, Sheel, is now a Training Head of DELL INDIA at 31. A few years ago this was unthinkable. I am getting to know more youngsters who have done brilliantly for themselves at similar ages. Again, this goes on to prove that India is a young nation and has done immensely well.

Wish Nation builders keep a track of this greatest resource on earth - Man...Uranium, Oil etc.. can come much later.

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